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Guiding Principles and Statutes

Guiding Principles and Statutes of the Progressive Alliance  Progressive Alliance for Freedom, Justice and Solidarity 

Adopted at the Global Convention in Santiago, Chile on 6 October 2024

I. Our Commitment 

As progressive parties, we want to make the 21st century a century of  democratic, social and ecological progress. In order to achieve this  goal, we have to understand the needs of our fellow human beings and  work out modern political approaches to satisfy these needs. 

To create decent jobs and fight unemployment, to ensure fair income  distribution or redistribution of wealth and gender equality, counter  increased inequality in societies, fight for LGBTIQ rights and against  intolerance and racism, restrain rampant unruly financial markets with  clear regulations and fight tax fraud, curb climate change with the  urgency required and promote sustainable economic, social and  ecological development, secure peace and human rights as global  public goods, uphold multilateralism, advocate disarmament and stop  the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, prevent conflicts  and create peace, and eradicate hunger and poverty once and for all. 

Challenges like these can only be tackled by working together and not  against each other, by a strong global coordination and coalition of  progressives. To transform the 21st century and shape the new era in  the face of complex problems, the aim of international politics is a  balanced, global democratic cooperation for progress, stability and  sustainability to be built upon fairness, trust, collaboration and  directed towards solving the defining issues of our time.

Our aim is a progressive and just world. As a powerful alliance of  friends and partners from all corners of the earth, we are committed  to achieving this aim. Our idea of a free, open, inclusive and joint  society is a powerful idea.

II. Guiding Principles 

The Progressive Alliance is an international association of progressive,  social democratic, socialist and labour parties, political organisations  and networks. The Progressive Alliance seeksto collaborate with other  progressive organisations, federations, unions, think tanks,  foundations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Parallel and  complementary to other associations operating at an international  level, the Progressive Alliance builds on regional and transnational  networks and forums. 

We believe that a better future is possible. The social democratic,  progressive and socialist parties have already achieved a great deal in  the struggle for social progress and social democracy. We want to  continue in this road together. 

At the same time we are determined to defend this progress against  authoritarian and reactionary opponents who aggressively question  our common values. It is with courage and optimism that we take up  political arms against this dangerous new authoritarianism and  increasing right-wing populism that pursues a policy of division, fuels  hate and fear and promotes marginalisation and isolation. Together  we shall join our global forces to create a future that is defined by  peace, justice and freedom. 

We are committed to democracy and its institutions. Democracy is the  key to a life of dignity and freedom. We want to extend and strengthen  democracy worldwide and will strongly oppose any attempts to curb  democratic rights. 

We are committed to human rights. Universally valid human rights are  the foundation for peace, justice and freedom around the world. We oppose any form of torture and any attempt to deprive individuals of  their basic rights. We are fighting for worldwide acceptance of all  human rights for all. 

We are committed to social cohesion and social justice. We interpret  progress as being solidarity of the strong with the weak and the  protection against major risks in life. Together with the trade unions,  we are campaigning for decent work and workers’ rights and are  putting up a resolute fight against poverty and exploitation. 

We believe in a fair and just globalisation process that follows clearly  defined rules. We want to create global economy exercising fair trade  and operating in the interests of the people to eliminate poverty and  inequality. We protect the environment based on the concept of  intergenerational responsibility, and we are fighting against the  destructive excesses of a brand of global capitalism that is  irresponsible, benefits only a small minority and depletes our planet’s  natural resources. 

We believe in tolerance and diversity. As progressive politicians, we are  convinced that social diversity on the basis of shared values enriches  our lives. We are fighting for equal rights the world over as well as  against every form of discrimination, xenophobia or marginalization. 

We believe in gender equality and the same rightsfor men and women  at all levels of society. These rights are vital for creating the just and  fair society to which we have resolutely and globally committed  ourselves. We are fighting against the discrimination and oppression  of girls and women and will continue to oppose sexism and sexual  violence in all parts of the world. 

We believe in the separation of powers and the division of private and  public interests. Corruption hinders social progress and universal  participation. We are fighting for transparency and the rule of law. 

We consider freedom of the press to be an indispensable component  of democracy. The right to freedom of opinion is crucial to a free society. We are campaigning worldwide against the suppression of free  media, against the manipulation of public opinion through fake news  and against government propaganda. 

We believe in education as the key to equal opportunities. The future  of an individual should not be decided by their origins, but by talent  and drive. We want to provide everyone with the opportunity to lead  a self-determined life through education and are fighting for its  universal access. 

We are committed to overcoming the greatest human risks facing our  day and age. Progress involves a joint struggle to eliminate and prevent  hunger, climate disasters and epidemics in all parts of the world. If we  succeed in this aim, we will also be combating the main reasons why  millions are being forced to flee their home countries worldwide. 

III. Organizational Culture 

The values of democracy, justice, solidarity and gender equality we  advocate are the basic operational principles inside the Progressive  Alliance. Therefore, we encourage the member parties to secure  gender parity in their delegations participating in Progressive Alliance  activities. 

The Progressive Alliance has a lean organisational structure and favors  a high level of transparency and participation.

IV. Statutes 

Article 1: Name 

Under the name of “Progressive Alliance” exists a political association  as non-registered non-profit association with its seat in Berlin,  Germany (c/o SPD-Parteivorstand, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Wilhelmstr.  141, 10963 Berlin).

Article 2: Purpose 

The Progressive Alliance provides a platform for formulating  progressive collective and coordinated answers to political challenges  around the globe, for exchanging information and experience on  election campaigns and policy initiatives and ideas, for strengthening  party organization, supporting international campaigns, improving  regional networking and for the solidarity activities. 

The Progressive Alliance brings together progressive  politicians and activists from across the globe to discuss  shared policy challenges and to foster international  cooperation. The activities can be organized in conjunction  with other progressive social forces, trade unions,  foundations and NGOs. 

The Progressive Alliance focuses on building-up the  capacity for campaigns and the organizational integrity of  political parties. The Progressive Campaigning workshops  give progressive political parties opportunities to discuss  shared electoral challenges and successful campaigns. 

The promotion of international cross-border solidarity is a  crucial part of political identity of the progressive  movement. It is, therefore, of central concern to all  members of the Progressive Alliance to come to the aid of  all our comrades throughout the world who are suffering  from political oppression and persecution or whose stand  for our values requires the support of the progressive  community.

V. Membership

Article 3: Membership 

The Progressive Alliance is open for members to all progressive, social  democratic, socialist, labour parties and such party networks that  share the common values stated in the Progressive Alliance Guiding  Principles. Progressive non-party organisations can become associated  members without voting rights. 

Article 4: Admission 

1 Anyone wishing to join the Progressive Alliance must send a letter to  the Global Coordinator of the Progressive Alliance giving reasons for  doing so and sending the relevant organizational documents for  consideration by the General Assembly and the Board. 

2 The Board decides with a two-third majority if the applying party can  be given an observer status. The applying party can then participate in  activities of the Progressive Alliance as an observing member. The  observing member does not have voting rights. 

3 Membership is granted by the General Assembly, based on the  preparation of the Global Coordinator in consultation with the  Regional Coordinators. 

4 The General Assembly may take decisions on admission of members  based on a two-thirds majority. 

Article 5: End of Membership 

1 Resignation from the Progressive Alliance may be declared in written  form at any time addressed to the Global Coordinator. 

2 Serious infringements of the principles, values and guidelines of the  Progressive Alliance is a cause of any member’s expulsion. The  expulsion is subject to a decision by the Board of the Progressive  Alliance by a simple majority. The member concerned may lodge an  appeal with the General Assembly. The decision taken by the General Assembly is final. The decision by the General Assembly is taken by a  simple majority. 

3 A member is excluded if the membership fee is not paid in two  consecutive years despite repeated requests or if the member can no  longer be contacted electronically. 

Article 6: Rights and duties 

1 Members take part in the opinion-forming process of the Progressive  Alliance. Their representatives are eligible for election to all organs of  the Progressive Alliance. 

2 Any member has the right to submit motions and proposals to the  General Assembly and to the Board in written form. These should be  sent at least two weeks in advance. If possible, these must be dealt at  the next Board meeting or General Assembly. 

3 Every member has the right to obtain information about the  organizational processes of the Progressive Alliance. 

4 Every delegate of a member has the right to speak at the meetings of  the Progressive Alliance. 

5 Every member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee  according to the financial guidelines set by the Board.


VI. Organs 

The organs of Progressive Alliance are: 

– General Assembly 

– Board 

– Presidium 

– Global Coordinator 

– Regional Coordinators 

– Auditor


Article 7: General Assembly 

1 The General Assembly is made up of delegates from the members  and associated members of the Progressive Alliance. It is the highest  policy making body of the Progressive Alliance. Every delegation of the  members has one vote. 

2 The General Assembly is convened to direct the international  program of the Progressive Alliance for each term and deal with all  relevant political questions that are not explicitly delegated to other  organs. 

3 Every three years, the General Assembly elects the members of the  Board and decides on the discharge of the outgoing Board. 

4 The General Assembly votes on the definitive admission of new  membersto the Progressive Alliance and on the definitive expulsion of  members (in the event of an appeal). 

5 The General Assembly meets normally every three years on a  different continent. 

6 An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly may be convened  upon a request of more than fifty percent of the members. 

7 The General Assembly has the right to alter the Guiding Principles  and Statutes of and/or to dissolve the Progressive Alliance based on a  two-thirds majority. 

Article 8: Board 

1 The Board consists of up to 40 member parties. To secure gender  parity in the Board, all parties are represented by at least one female  representative. 

2 The members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly  every three years. The Board represents the geographical plurality and  diversity of the Progressive Alliance membership. All continents of the  world and regional party networks of the Progressive Alliance are  represented in the Board. There are at least five parties from Africa, five from the Americas, five from Asia, five from Europe, five from the  Middle East and two from Oceania. The President of the International  Union of Socialist Youth is a co-opted member of the Board with voting  rights. 

3 The Board meets at least once a year. 

4 The Board sets the political guidelines and takes decisions, inter alia,  on basic organisational and organisation policy issues within the  Progressive Alliance. 

5 Every three years, the Board elects the Presidium, the Global  Coordinator and the Auditor and provides the activity report as well as  the financial statement to the General Assembly. 

6 The Board appoints eight members of the Finance Committee. In  agreement with the Board, the Finance Committee takes decisions  concerning the deployment and use of funds. The Finance Committee  prepares the financial guidelines for approval of the Board. The  Finance Committee prepares the financial statement for the Board  every two years. 

7 The Board has the right to appoint advisory committees (e.g. Ethics  Committee). 

8 An extraordinary meeting of the Board may be convened upon a  request of more than fifty percent of the members. 

Article 9: Presidium 

1 The Presidium consists of nine party leaders representing all  continents of the world and regional party networks of the Progressive  Alliance. It consists of two members from Africa and the Middle East,  two from the Americas, two from Asia, two from Europe, and one from  Oceania. 

2 The Presidium acts as the executive body of the Progressive Alliance  in between the Board meetings. 

3 The Presidium is elected by the Board every three years.

4 The Presidium discusses issues of international relevance, puts  forward and takes decisions on immediate policies and resolutions of  the Progressive Alliance. To reinforce strong mandate and unity within  the Progressive Alliance, the Presidium takes decisions by consensus. 

5 The members of the Presidium act as main representatives and  spokespersons of the Progressive Alliance in high-level forums and  negotiations. 

6 The Presidium meets at least twice a year. Supplementary or  extraordinary meeting can be convened if supported by one third of  the presidium members. Meetings can take place in person or per  video link. 

Article 10: Global Coordinator 

1 The Global Coordinator is elected by the Board every three years. 

2 It is the job of the Global Coordinator to coordinate the activities of  the Progressive Alliance in agreement with the Board. The Global  Coordinator prepares the meetings of the Presidium, the Board and  the General Assembly. 

3 The Global Coordinator is responsible for the timely convocation of  meetings of the General Assembly, the Board and the Presidium. 

4 The Global Coordinator overseesthe joint activities of the Progressive  Alliance with the regional networks. 

5 The Global Coordinator has voting rights in the Board. 

6 The Global Coordinator is responsible for the internal and external  communications of the Progressive Alliance. He or she manages the  finances and provides the annual financial statement to the Finance  Committee. Within the framework of the financial affairs of the  Progressive Alliance, the Global Coordinator has sole power of  representation. Every year the Global Coordinator prepares the  activity report for the Board.

7 The Global Coordinator is responsible for the proper recording and  archiving of the decisions of all Progressive Alliance bodies. 

8 The Global Coordinator has a right to an office and can hire  employees. 

Article 11: Regional Coordinators 

1 The Regional Coordinators are elected from and by each regional  party network (Alianza Progresista de Americas (APLA), Network for  Social Democracy in Asia Pacific (SD-AP), Party of European Socialists  (PES), Progressive Alliance of Africa (APAC), Social Democratic Forum  in the Arab World (SDAAW)) associated with the Progressive Alliance 

and are confirmed by the Board. 

2 The Global Coordinator agrees with the Regional Coordinators upon  the Progressive Alliance activities and their thematic priorities. 

3 In consultation with the Regional Coordinators, the Global  Coordinator preparesrecommendationsregarding membershipsto be  presented to the Board and voted upon by the General Assembly. 

4 The Regional Coordinators and the Global Coordinator should meet  at least once a year. 

Article 12: Auditor 

The Auditor is elected by the Board every three years. The auditor is  responsible to audit the financial statement and reports the findings  to the Board. 

VII. Finances  

Article 13: Revenue 

The Progressive Alliance has the following sources of income:

  1. a) Ordinary annual membership fees based on the financial guidelines  prepared by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board. 
  2. b) Voluntary contributions from members and sympathizing  organizations. 

VIII. Transitional and final provisions  

Article 14: Coming into effect 

These Guiding Principles and Statutes were adopted by the General  Assembly of the Progressive Alliance on October 6, 2024. They replace  those adopted on November 19, 2019.