
Santo Domingo

Invitation – Santo Domingo Forum: “Development for All – Democratic and Just”, 14 December 2015

Dear comrades and dear friends,

In the context of the Decent Work Campaign of the Progressive Alliance we want to discuss inclusive growth and decent work in view of the increased international trade and mobility of capital which gave new hope to many people, especially in newly emerging economies.
However, most of the world’s population is not seeing their lives improving as a result of economic growth, technological advances and globalization. Inequality is on the rise. Unemployment is endemic in some areas and too many are underemployed, or not paid for their performed work. People in developing and developed countries are working more for less money, and more and more people – overwhelmingly women – are forced to make their living in the so-called informal economy and in precarious jobs, lacking basic rights at work and social protection. Against this background, the Forum of the Progressive Alliance centers on the question of how inclusive growth and decent work can be reached in particular in the region of the Americas and the Caribbean,

Kind regards and we are looking forward to seeing you in the Dominican Republic.

Santo Domingo Invitation (PDF)

Maurice Weiss/OSTKREUZ


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