

PDF-Reader: Faces of Progressive Politics

The Progressive Alliance, by Konstantin Woinoff

Our Motivation and our Obligation

For us, humans are at the centre, as well as their aspiration for freedom and peace, their quest for justice and capacity to act in solidarity. This is the guideline and tradition of our movement of progressive, social democratic and socialist forces worldwide, and these are the values that make our movement strong. When more than 80 parties from around the world gathered in Leipzig on 22 May 2013 to launch the Progressive Alliance, it was seen as a strong commitment that the three fundamental values of freedom, justice and solidarity are inseparable. This distinguishes us from all those who think they can impose progress from above, force it upon people by oppression or just use human beings as a mere means to achieve a greater purpose— in whatever way that purpose is being interpreted. The founding of the Progressive Alliance was also based on the conviction that international cooperation is needed more urgently than ever before. We are experiencing an unprecedented increase in political and social challenges, the full force of which is unfolding particularly in the international dimension. The financial and economic crisis is accompanied by a widescale ecological crisis and severe structural inequality. In many countries of the world, the crisis of democracy has intensified. Nationalists and populists are trying to abuse the issue of migration for their own agendas. In many places, the return of war and nationalism as a political means is eroding any willingness to cooperate at an international level…

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Progressive Alliance


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