“Global solidarity is the key to overcoming COVID-19”
Progressive Alliance is a global network of social-democratic, socialist and progressive parties. Together, with the leaders of the International and European Trade Union confederations, progressive civil society networks from all continents, we call for GLOBAL SOLIDARITY insisting that VACCINES ARE A PUBLIC GOOD and everyone needs to have access in order to stop the global pandemic! Nobody shall be left behind!
As Progressive Alliance we call for:
The statement was adopted by PA steering committee
List of signatories
Akbayan | Philippines |
Cap – Unir pour la Démocratie et le Développement (CAP-UDD) | Ivory Coast |
Convergencia para la Democracia Social (CPDS) | Guinea Equatorial |
Convergence Citoyenne (CC) | Congo |
Democratic Action Party (DAP) | Malaysia |
Democratic Party Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) | Iran |
Eritrean People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) | Eritrea |
Ettakatol | Tunisia |
FATAH | Palestine |
Frente Amplio Frente Polisario |
Uruguay Western Sahara |
Fretilin | Timor Leste |
Jordanian Social Democratic Party | Jordan |
Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE | Kosovo |
Mouvement de Libération du Peuple Centrafricain (MLPC) | Central African Republic |
Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) | Mauritius |
Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS-IPSP) | Bolivia |
Movimiento Ciudadano | Mexico |
Mouvement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC A) | Zimbabwe |
NasDem | Indonesia |
New Left (SLD+Wiosna) | Poland |
Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) | Palestine |
Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) | Palestine |
Parti Socialiste (PS) | Belgium |
Parti Socialiste (PS) | France |
Partido Acción Ciudadana (PAC) | Costa Rica |
Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) | Dominican Republic |
Partido Socialista (PS) | Argentina |
Partido Socialista (PS) | Chile |
Partido Socialista (PS) | Uruguay |
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) | Kurdistan |
Partido por la Democracia (PPD) | Chile |
Partido Pais Solidario (PPS) | Paraguay |
Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol (PSOE) | Spain |
Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) | Netherlands |
Party of European Socialists (PES) | Europe |
SLD | Poland |
Social Democratic Front (SDF) | Cameroon |
Socialdemocratic Party Austria (SPÖ) | Austria |
Socialdemocratic Party Croatia (SDP) | Croatia |
Socialdemocratic Party Germany (SPD) | Germany |
Socialdemocratic Party Slovenia (SD) | Slovenia |
Socialdemocratic Party Switzerland (SP) | Switzerland |
sp.a | Belgium |
Union Socialiste des Forces du Progrès (USFP) | Marocco |
UNAMOS | Nicaragua |
WIOSNA | Poland |
Alex Agius Saliba | MEP Malta |
Andreas Schieder | MEP Austria |
Attila Ara-Kovács | MEP Hungary |
Bernd Lange | MEP Germany |
Birgit Sippel | MEP Germany |
Carlos Zorrinho | MEP Portugal |
César Luena | MEP Spain |
Csaba Molnár | MEP Hungary |
Dietmar Köster | MEP Germany |
Guenaelle Collet | MEP France |
Guliano Pasapia | MEP Italy |
Iratxe Garcia-Perez | President S&D group |
Kathleen van Brempt | MEP Belgium |
Klára Dobrev | MEP Hungary |
Leszek Miller | MEP Poland |
Marc Tarabella | MEP Belgium |
Maria-Manuel Leitao-Marques | MEP Portugal |
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri | MEP Finland |
Milan Brglez | MEP Slovenia |
Monica Silvana Gonzales | MEP Spain |
Nora Mobarek | MEP France |
Norbert Neuser | MEP Germany |
Pierfrancesco Majorino | MEP Italy |
Romana Jerkovic | MEP Crotia |
Sylvie Guillaume | MEP France |
Tiemo Wölken | MEP Germany |
Udo Bullmann | MEP Germany |
Victor Negrescu | MEP Romania |
Articulo Uno | Italy |
European Trade Union Confederation – ETUC-CES | Europe |
Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes | Belgium |
Foundation of European Progressive Studies -FEPS | Europe |
International Union of Socialist Youth – IUSY | Global |
International Trade Union Confederation – ITUC-CIS | Global |
Mouvement pour le Renouveau démocratique et le Développement | Djibouti |
Olof Palme Internationa Center (OPIC) | Sweden + Global |
PES Women | Europe |
Max van Stoel Foundation | Netherlands |
SOLIDAR | Europe |
Comisiones Obreras CC.OO. | Spain |
UNIA PRACY | Poland |
Anna Colombo | Italy |
Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul | Germany |
Herta Däubler-Gmelin | Germany |
Dr. Dairo Antonio Herrera Cortina | Panamá |