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Central African Republic


On Thursday, May 26, 2022, at the LEDGER PLAZZA hotel in Bangui, Mr. Brice Kévin KAKPAYEN, deputy for the Mbaïki 1 constituency, member of the presidential majority, held a press conference in the presence of eminent members of President TOUADERA’s inner circle.

The purpose of this press conference was to formalize the initiative of the regime in place to modify the Constitution of March 30, 2016 in order to allow President TOUADERA to remain in power beyond the term provided for by the Constitution and to exclude from the political game certain leaders of the Democratic Opposition.

Faced with this extremely serious act with unforeseeable consequences for our country, the Democratic Organization firmly denounces the said initiative to break the constitutional order, which announces the end of the democracy dearly acquired at the price of many sacrifices in our country and the establishment of an autocratic, clan-based and mafia-like power.

This fundamental questioning of the irrevocable commitments of the oath solemnly made by the President of the Republic during his investitures of March 30, 2016 and 2021 constitutes an act of high treason and perjury as well as a defilement of the memory of those of our compatriots who have sacrificed their lives for the advent of a democratic, just and united society

By allowing this fraud to flourish, President TOUADERA, whose legitimacy and the legality of his current mandate are still questionable, is taking the risk of opening a real can of worms.

Also, the Democratic opposition :

  • urges MPs to have a sense of history;
  • informs the national and international opinion that it intends to oppose this initiative without weakness;
  • asks the Central African people to mobilize massively as it has already done through the history of our country, both ancient and recent, since KONGO WARA, 1979 and in 1990 (4 CN);
  • calls the people to be ready and wait for the signal of the deposit of this text in the National Assembly for a popular resistance.


Done at Bangui, May 27, 2022

Signed by

Anicet Georges Dologuele (URCA), Me Crépin Mbouli Goumba (PATRIE), Mahamat Kamoun (BTK), Samson Ngaibona (PCUD), Jean de Dieu Sepokpode Bobanzengue (MDI-PS), Martin Ziguele (MLPC), Me Nicolas Tiangaye (CRPS), Salomon Kobo (KNK), Marie-Claire Mbolidi (UNDPC), Ferdinand Alexandre N’Guendet (RPR).