
Declaration of Santo Domingo. International Meeting of Social Democracy, Dominican Republic

For the first time, six progressive and social democratic networks met in Latin America and the Caribbean. The meeting took place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 31 October to 5 November 2022, hosted by the Partido Revolucionario Moderno – PRM.

We did so in a context of growing concern about the world situation, the rise of neo-fascist movements and the danger of nuclear war due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However, five Latin American countries, through democratic elections, have elected progressive Presidents, which fills us with hope.

We held joint sessions to analyse situations and horizons such as peace and development, or peace and security in the Americas.

We also discussed the contemporary challenges of political parties, the social development models of Latin American countries and the role that young people should play in building progressive paths capable of deepening democracies and formulating government programmes for progress and equality.

Based on the discussions, and taking into account the context of our region, we declare:

Download the declaration: 221102 Declaration Dominican Republic


Six progressive and social democratic networks united!

United with Suyen Barahona, president of Unamos and all political prisoners in Nicaragua.

Progressice Alliance of the Americas


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