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Progressive Alliance of the Americas

Statement on the assassination of Ecuadorian presidential candidate

APLA, the regional platform in the Americas of the Progressive Alliance, made up of political parties, foundations and progressive organisations throughout the region, expresses its condemnation of the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, an Ecuadorian presidential candidate.

Fernando Villavicencio, a former congressman and journalist, denounced corruption and the actions of mafia-like criminal gangs in his country.

This event has not only claimed a life and caused an enormous commotion in Ecuador and throughout the region, but also represents a clear attack on democratic stability.

And it clearly exposes the intention of violent and criminal groups to condition the actions of governments, assuming territorial and institutional control in important sectors of our region.

From APLA we demand urgent clarification from the Ecuadorian authorities and we accompany the family and friends of Fernando Villavicencio in this moment of enormous pain.

Signatory APLA member organisations:
Argentina: Partido Socialista – Centro de Estudios Municipales y Provinciales; Brazil: Partido Socialista Brasileño; Chile: Partido Socialista – Partido Por la Democracia; Costa Rica: Partido Acción Ciudadana; México: Movimiento Ciudadano – Partido de la Revolución Democrática -Fundación de Estudios Políticos, Económicos y Sociales Progresistas; Nicaragua: UNAMOS; Paraguay: Partido País Solidario;  Dominican Republic: Partido Revolucionario Moderno; Venezuela: MAS (Movimiento al Socialismo) – Avanzada Progresista – Cambiemos