Online exchanges with political actors in the region have become bridges for exchange, alliance work and collaboration during the pandemic. The discussion in the past have been a source of reflection, ideas, policies on issues that are of importance to SocDem Asia member parties. The Network follows up on the discussion of key issues to help shape a just and democratic normal. Alongside health, economic crises, there is also evident crisis of democracy where women, the marginalized and the powerless are disproportionately affected. If a just normal will be built from the ruins of the coronacrisis then leadership must be asserted and progressive agenda must be realized.
Socdem Asia together with our host member-party, FRETILIN Timor Leste is hosting an online exchange entitled “Forging a New Social Contract” on October 13, 2021, 6:00 – 8:30 PM, Time in Dili. As part of the SocDem Asia webinar series, this exchange of lessons, experiences and policies among activists, politicians and policymakers from Asia and Europe examines the social costs and impact of the Covid19 at the global scale and how we should push for grounded and viable solutions in partnership with the working people and the larger community of progressives. This continuing discussion brings to forth: What are top agenda and strategies for progressives to embark on for a global just recovery?