
Santiago de Chile

Meeting of the Progressive Alliance of the Americas in Santiago de Chile

Event Date:


Saturday, 28 April – Meeting of the Progressive Alliance of the Americas

Morning          Arrival of international participants in Santiago de Chile


13.00 hrs        Welcome (location: Hotel San Francisco, room 2nd floor)
Talk with lunch

  • Konstantin Woinoff, Coordinator of the Progressive Alliance
  • Mónica Xavier, General Secretary of the PS Uruguay
  • Álvaro Elizalde, President of the PS Chile


13.30 hrs        Discussion on the Action Plan of the AP of the Americas

Moderated by: Viviana Piñeiro, General Secretary of the PS Uruguay


15.00 hrs        Break and walk to the head office of the PS Chile (Paris 873, Santiago centre)


15.30 hrs         Exchange on current developments in the region. Situation in Brazil


18.00 hrs        Closure
