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International Human Rights Day 2020

Dear friends and comrades,

Not only on this International Human Rights Day we recall the commitment of our political family to the indivisible Human Rights as well as to our values of solidarity and dignity for all. The Covid crisis has unveiled already existing rights violations in all parts of the world like the Philippines, Nicaragua, Belarus and many more. Authoritarian and dictatorial regimes abuse of the health crisis even more undermine the rights, not only of minorities. Women’s rights have also become under threat and likewise LGBTI-Rights. For us democracy and a rights based approach is not a tactical issue, it is the guideline for all action, commitment and engagement, it is part of the daily struggle of Progressives! It is part of our political DNA!

At the opportunity of the International Human Rights Day we publish video statements of leaders of members parties from all continents on our website, our FB account and through twitter.

Do not hesitate to send us more, to contribute and to disseminate.

In solidarity,

Conny Reuter


Video messages from:

– Bärbel Kofler from SPD – Germany

– Hella Ben Youssef from ETTAKATOL – Tunisia

– Lim Guan Eng from Democratic Action Party – Malaysia

– Mari Alkatiri from FRETILIN – Timor-Leste

– Margarita Bolaños from the Partido Acción Ciudadana – Costa Rica

– Risa Hontiveros from Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party – Philippines

– Suyen Barahona from Movimiento Renovador Sandinista – Nicaragua



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