
SIGN OUR PETITION! Global solidarity is the key to overcoming COVID-19 – Vaccines are a global public good


We address it to :

United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres

World Trade Organization Director General, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

World Health Organization Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


The Progressive Alliance, a global network of social-democratic, socialist and progressive parties, has joined forces with the trade union movement and progressive civil society networks from all continents to call global solidarity, insisting that vaccines are a global public good and everyone needs to have access in order to stop the global pandemic! Nobody shall be left behind!

Now the call is open for individual support. Join our global initiative to make COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone, NOW! Together with your support, we can end this pandemic!

We call for:

o    Global solidarity and global partnership against the poison of vaccine-nationalism

o    Safeguarding COVID-19-vaccines as a global public good, not a tool for profit-maximization

o    Binding obligation for partnerships and building production capacities with manufactures in developing countries in all vaccine supply contracts with manufactures by industrialized countries.

o    Increasing the production of vaccines globally through adequate measures including reassessing the TRIPS agreement to see if it is fit for purpose and investigate how technology transfer can be enabled

o    Ensuring accessibility to vaccines for all, in particular for vulnerable people, front-line workers and healthcare workers worldwide and in particular in the global South. Industrialized countries should supply the Global South with doses from their over-capacities

o    The obligation of vaccine manufacturers, laboratories and producers to sell their products to the Global South and to COVAX at the cost price only and to allow licensing at low cost

o    Reject all contractual agreements limiting exports, sharing, and donations of vaccines, which put an end to the global suffering.

o    Introduce wealth and financial transaction tax schemes to ensure closing of the funding gaps of COVAX

o    Continue and upscale public investment in medical research and public health systems especially in the Global South

Organisations that signed the call:


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