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Progressive Alliance on Honduras: The will of the people has to be respected

© By Rama (Own work) [] via Wikimedia Commons

In view of the latest events in the Republic of Honduras, the Progressive Alliance:

  • Expresses its deep concern about the news that is coming out after the Honduran people expressed their will in a calm and peaceful way at the recent elections, a fact which was highlighted by international observers on the ground from all over the world.
  • Rejects the attitude of the government, that has responded with violence and the suspension of democratic guarantees to the legitimate protests of the Honduran people who have taken to the streets demanding their will to be respected in view of indications of electoral fraud.
  • Urges the Organization of American States as well as the international community as a whole to call on the Honduran government and its electoral authorities to complete the vote counting and respect the will of the people expressed at the polls.
  • Urges the international community to insist on a fair and transparent electoral process in Honduras, guarantee the right of freedom of expression and assembly and hold the Honduran government accountable.