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Draft Resolution Africa

For a strong and solidarity-based Africa as a global partner

12 October 2018

Our aim is a strong, prosperous and solidarity-based Africa. The Agenda 2063 of the African Union as a vision for the countries in Africa, as well as the multilateral framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the cornerstones of our cooperation within the Progressive Alliance.

Global challenges such as flight, migration and population development, crises and terrorism, as well as climate change can only be solved in the long term together with Africa. Hence, we advocate a global partnership approach in which the countries of Africa play an active role in shaping global developments. Because it is our common interest to protect together and ensure the provision of global public goods like climate stability, natural livelihoods, peace and health care. Therefore, the purpose of progressive politics is to treat African countries as partners in global governance.

Global partnership is inextricably linked with social and democratic participation on the ground. As social and democratic parties we stand for solidarity, democracy and justice!

The Progressive Alliance advocates a peace policy instead of military interventionism: we support crisis management with political and civil means. Collective security in Africa can only be achieved through more African ownership in line with the aim formulated by the AU to “Silence the Guns by 2020”! A sustainable crisis prevention also requires a consistent implementation of the UN resolutions on “Women, Peace and Security”. Global causes of conflict, such as climate change and organised crime, need to be tackled together.

The Progressive Alliance is committed to promoting a more efficient African integration: The Progressive Alliance is also committed to supporting the efforts of progressive African countries and movements to develop an effective African integration, to build an Africa of the people and to offer new intra-African development opportunities and perspectives. African integration is a crucial prerequisite for the development of the people on the continent; it must be a key pillar for the activities of African progressives and needs the encouragement and support of the global progressive family.

The Progressive Alliance supports more solidarity, the fight against social injustice and the enhancement of democratic participation and co-determination: Social participation, equitable distribution and gender equality, together with democratic civic participation are the foundations of sustainable development. Education and social security are key elements to promote stability and economic power of the African countries and to ensure opportunities of social advancement and development for people, regions and countries.

The young generation not only needs professional perspectives and living wages, but also opportunities for participation. Young people will have to play a key role in defining the politics of the future: therefore, progressive parties invite young people to shape their future in the democratic realm and to ensure and enhance their democratic fundamental rights.

The Progressive Alliance supports a sustainable economic transformation of the African countries and a fair economic partnership: A socio-ecological transformation is only possible on the basis of fair trade relations. Participation in global value chains is a prerequisite for the creation of jobs and decent work; an economic transformation can only be achieved through sufficient protection of African industries, services and agriculture. Natural livelihoods for futures generations can only be ensured on the basis of sustainable policies aimed at protecting the climate and resources.

Together with the African Union we stand up against illegal financial flows and to reduce legal loopholes for the counterproductive outflow of financial means from Africa.

The Progressive Alliance advocates for decent working conditions, living wages and the right of trade unions to organise in local and multinational companies as the basis of sustainable economic and social development.


Resolution Africa