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The covid 19 in Uruguay

By Socialist Party of Uruguay Background The current pandemic is causing us to live with fears that we thought had been overcome. More than 100 years ago, the agents... Read more

Rebuilding after the corona crisis

By leader of the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA), Lodewijk Asscher ‘At least we are having lots of time together, Daddy’, my youngest son said happily, just as I was... Read more

Imagining a new social contract

By President of Australian Labor International (ALP), PA board member, Wayne Swan In politics, as well as life generally, there’s always an eternal struggle to comprehend what might have... Read more

Video of the webinar on may 6th

By loading a video, you accept the privacy policy of Vimeo.Learn more Load video Always unlock Vimeo. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE ON HOW THE CRISIS IS AFFECTING WOMEN AND GIRLS WORLDWIDE... Read more

Six policy propositions for the post-Covid19 era

By President of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Turkey, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Extraordinary efforts are being conducted globally through interdisciplinary cooperation in order to fight COVID-I% which emerged from Wuhan,... Read more

A Social Democratic and Welfare State Antidote to the COVID-19 Crisis

By Socdem Asia COVID-19 Pandemic exposes the crises of our healthcare system and economic system. Overwhelmed healthcare hospitals and healthcare facilities and the steep decline in economic output reveal... Read more

The Covid-19 response in Denmark

By Social Democratic Party (SDP), Denmark On March 11th, the Danish social democratic government decided to carry out several comprehensive initiatives to contain the Covid-19 virus. As seen in... Read more

The COVID19-crisis exacerbates gender inequalities – but who cares?

By Vice-President PES Women, PvdA Netherlands, Coordinator working group on gender in Progressive Alliance, Marja Bijl It is already over 6 weeks since the Corona pandemic hit Europe right... Read more

Note on the situation in Central Africa

By former Minister, President of the Citizens’ Convergence, President of the Social Democratic Alliance of Congo, Bonaventure Mbaya In the current global context marked by the Covid 19 pandemic,... Read more

La calamitosa gestión de la pandemia de la COVID-19 por el Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial (Spanish only)

Por Convergencia Para La Democracia Social (CPDS), Guinea Ecuatorial  El régimen intensifica la represión durante la crisis sanitaria Evidentemente, no son momentos oportunos de polémica ni de reproches de... Read more