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Progressive 4D


International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, let us #PressforProgress: Care work as a task for all of society

Every society and every person needs care work. It is what makes life possible in the first place. Care work, both for oneself and for others, can encompass many... Read more
The PA of the Americas

Inaugural meeting of the Progressive Alliance of the Americas: 11 November 2017, San José, Costa Rica

The Progressive Alliance of the Americas had its inaugural meeting at 11 November 2017 in San José, Costa Rica. The PA of the Americas is a platform for our... Read more

Progressive Alliance: Trump‘s Jerusalem decision is irresponsible and a danger for peace

We are deeply concerned at the decision of the US President Trump to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This step is irresponsible and goes against all international agreements. With this decision President Trump undermines the international... Read more

Progressive Alliance on Honduras: The will of the people has to be respected

In view of the latest events in the Republic of Honduras, the Progressive Alliance: Expresses its deep concern about the news that is coming out after the Honduran people... Read more
Progressive Alliance Award

Speech by Laureate Loretta Ann “Etta” P. Rosales

Why we struggle even harder for justice – human rights and democracy today By Laureate Loretta Ann “Etta” P. Rosales, Chair emeritus of AKBAYAN, Philippines   In behalf of... Read more
Progressive Alliance Award

Laudatory Speech for the Laureate Loretta Ann “Etta” P. Rosales, Chair emeritus of AKBAYAN, Philippines

By Mathias Tegnér, Member of the Swedish Parliament, Swedish Social Democratic Party (SAP)   Fellow progressives, A wise person once said: “For us democracy is a matter of human... Read more
Equatorial Guinea

Progressive Alliance: Manipulation of the elections in Equatorial Guinea is appalling

We condemn the vote-rigging in Equatorial Guinea last Sunday and the repression against our sister party, Convergence for Social Democracy (CPDS) and the opposition as a whole.  The authoritarian... Read more
San Jose, Costa Rica

Resolution: Living with machines? Innovation and Social Justice

Conference of the Progressive Alliance 10 – 11 November 2017, San José, Costa Rica Living with machines? Innovation and Social Justice Technological progress has been one of the most... Read more
Iraqi Kurdistan

Progressive Alliance: Deeply concerned about the situation in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Progressive Alliance is deeply concerned regarding the new developments in Iraq following the referendum. We severely condemn any violations against civilians in Iraqi Kurdistan. Those who had perpetrated... Read more